3. Atmega8

Status: OK

Arduino compatible board for Atmega8/48/88/168 and maybe others also.

  • reset button
  • 10 pin ISP connector

3.1. Pins

board pin AVR pin Arduino pin comment
0 PB0 D8  
1 PB1 D9  
2 PB2 D10  
3 PB3 D11 MOSI
4 PB4 D12 MISO
5 PB5 D13 SCK
6 NC    
7 NC    
8 POWER    
9 GND    
10 PC0 A0  
11 PC1 A1  
12 PC2 A2  
13 PC3 A3  
14 PC4 A4  
15 PC5 A5  
16 NC    
17 NC    
18 POWER    
19 GND    
20 PD0 D0 RxD
21 PD1 D1 TxD
22 PD2 D2  
23 PD3 D3  
24 PD4 D4  
25 PD5 D5  
26 PD6 D6  
27 PD7 D7  
28 POWER    
29 GND    

AVR ISP Header Pinouts


3.2. Schematic


3.3. Board

top view:


wires only:


bottom view mirrored:


3.4. Partlist

part value position
C1 22p (1.05 1.2)
C2 22p (1 1.1)
C3 100n (1.15 1.3)
C4 100n (1.15 0.3)
C5 10u (2.15 0.9)
IC2 MEGA8-P (1.15 0.85)
PB   (0.55 0.1)
PC   (1.75 0.1)
PD   (2.95 0.1)
Q1   (0.95 1.3)
R1 10k (1.95 1.1)
S1 RESET (1 1.85)
X2   (1.8 1.85)

3.5. 3D view

3.5.1. Front


3.5.2. Right side


3.5.3. Left side


3.5.4. Bottom


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2. Stripboard design

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4. Backplane

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